'Renault 4 Life'
"The nostalgia I feel towards my first car, the Renault 4, inspired me to use real back doors to frame black
and white photographs, driving around the island of Ibiza with a R4 as my studio."
'REDemption 'Searching for red, to free some of me'
The initial inspirations for her work come from ideas about simplicity,
naturalness and acceptance of the inevitable; they derive from the atmosphere of desolation, melancholy and the expression of minimalism.
Sandra de Keller (1978, Geneva) grew up in Salzburg and Ibiza. She studied design at Elisava in Barcelona and worked freelance as a
stylist for architectural and design printed media, before fully commiting to photography in 2009.
Her projects include series on Japan and Ibiza, the Epithelial art and Corrosion Collection and the installation project Renault 4 Life. Her recent inspiration, the colour red, is expressed in the latest exhibition, Redemption.