'Trinity' The number three relates to creativity, intelligence and synthesis. It also resonates to the energies of body-soulspirit, thought-word-action, past-present-future. Its symbolism is apparent throughout religions and it, furthermore, stands for the principle of growth. In our ever faster growing civilisation, consumption is at the core of our need to survive and our esteem. Managing this growth in a sustainable way is the core necessity for us to be able to build our future. Environment-Society-Economy shape the three pillars of this sustainability. Yet, very rarely are they in balance. With my series Trinity I want to raise the awareness of this imbalance, by photographing sites that mainly deal with world trade, consumption and growth. The images where done in the dark room by using forms, which left parts of the images underexposed. In some images we only obtain a clear view on the scene through uneven 'pillars' and in other images this view is completely obstructed by raw materials such as gold, aluminum or copper.
Born 1975 in Bremen Germany. Lives in New York City and Vienna. Freelance Photographer since 2009 after working in Finance for eight years.
Working as an architectural photographer in NYC Projects throughout Austria, Germany, Switzerland and USA Working in the fields of still life, portrait and real estate photography Works represented through www.droom.de and The Essential Collection (now Galerie Clemens Gunzer)
1997 - 2000 09-12 1999 01-05 1999 1991 - 1995 1986 - 1991
EUROPEAN BUSINESS SCHOOL, London, G.B. BA (Hons) in International Business Studies. Grade 2.1. UNIVERSITA C. CATTANEO, Castellanza, Italy Exchange semester as part of the Socrates Erasmus programme INSTITUT SUPERIEUR DU COMMERCE, Paris, France Exchange semester as part of the Socrates Erasmus programme INSTITUT ROSENBERG, German Abitur (A Level equivalent), St. Gallen, Switzerland INGEBORG BACHMANN Gymnasium, Klagenfurt, Austria.
09/13-06/14 2011 03/2011 03/2011
International Center of Photography NY General Studies Full Time Program THE PHOTOGRAPHY INSTITUTE Online course on general photography CENTRAL SAINT MARTIN’S COLLEGE, London, G.B. Short course on alternative photographic processes THE LONDON PHOTOGRAPHY SCHOOL, London, G.B Portrait photography course
ICP Director’s Scholarship 2013 IPA Honorable Mentions in 2010 and 2011
2014 2013 2012
photo::vienna | werkschau 2014, Museum für Angewandte Kunst, Vienna Elective Affinities @ International Center of Photography, New York See.me @ SCOPE 2013, Miami Exposure 2013, New York See.me @ SCOPE 2012, Miami